  • 100人

  • 环保

  • 中外合资企业


威立雅水务——供水及污水处理服务的世界领导者 Veolia water – the world leader in drinking water and wastewater treatment services. 威立雅水务是威立雅环境集团下属的水务公司,成立于1853年,最初是为法国的主要城市提供饮用水。今天,威立雅水务是提供水及污水处理领域的世界领导者, 业务涉及饮用水的生产和输送、工业污水的净化、再循环及污水处理系统和设备的管理、融资、设计和建设。威立雅水务在全世界100多个国家拥有77,000名员工,为1亿1千万人口和4万个工业用户提供服务。 As a branch of Veolia Environment, Veolia water established in 1853, starting with drinking water supply for the big city in Paris. Today, Veolia Water, the world’s leading operator for drinking water and wastewater services, provides producing and delivering of drinking water, collecting, treating and recycling of industrial waste water, and the management, financing, designing and construction of waste water recycling system and equipment . Veolia Water with 77,000 employees worldwide in more than 100 countries, provides drinking water to nearly 110 million people and wastewater treatment services to 40000 industry users. 天津威立雅渤化永利水务有限责任公司是由威立雅水务与国内化工行业的一家重要厂家合资组建的,地处天津临港工业区,合同期25年。为满足公司业务发展需要,诚聘英才加盟。 Tianjin Veolia Water Bohua Yongli is the joint venture of Veolia water and a domestic leading chemical company, locates in Tianjin Lingang Industrial Zone, the contract is 25 years. We need talented people to join our team to meet the development of our business.


2024-02-22 水厂操作工
2024-02-22 实验室技工
2024-02-22 循环水操作工
